Rate Reporter

Since 2015, SAGE has been running two webforms on our website.

One collects job offers from producers, which we forward to our members. The other collects reports of job offers from editors. Since each offer is submitted in the same way, we can make deductions about the average offer being made, as well as educated guesses about the industry as a whole.

We released our first analysis to the public in 2016. You can download a PDF of the analysis here.

We released a rate offer analysis of 2016 to 2018 in May 2019, which you can download here.

Our rate offer analysis of 2020 is available here.

In 2022 we did a survey about hourly rates, and combined the results with the 2021 analysis, which is available here.

The 2023 rate reporter analysis is available here.


The Rate Reporter is completely anonymous and we encourage members to report every job offer they receive, regardless whther they accept it or not. The more information we have, the more reflective of the industry our report will be.

SAGE is a non-profit company #2007/006516/08
and a non-profit organisation #268-737 NPO