About SAGE

Follow the links below to find out more about South African Guild of Editors

SAGE Acronym

The SAGE acronym, S.A.G.E., indicates peer recognition of excellence in a field. It is the highest honour that SAGE can bestow on an editor. 

There is an annual application call out for SAGE members who wish to apply for the use of the acronym.

Rough Cut Lab Africa

A lifetime dreaming of your story. Years researching, raising funds. Months pouring over text and proposals, rejections and victories. Eventually production starts and stops. Subjects’ lives change and alter the narrative possibilities. That’s ok though, it’s part of the thrill. Budgets get higher, funding runs lower; but you manage, somehow. Finally, you feel you’re ready for the edit, you think you’re ready. Then the real problems begin.


About SAGE

The South African Guild of Editors is a voluntary, non-profit company that represents film and video picture editors, assistant editors and sound editors. Since it was founded in 1994, SAGE has become a recognised player in the Film and Television industry.



SAGE  is a member of TEMPO. TEMPO is a federation that connects associations of film editors from all over the world. Established in 2019, our fast-growing organization currently has 35 members from North and South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania, thus connecting over 8000 film and TV editors worldwide.

Contact us

Feel free to get in touch.

If you'd like to send a job offer to our membership, please fill out this form instead.

We'll try to get back to you within two days, but please be patient: SAGE is run entirely by volunteers. 


SAGE is a non-profit company #2007/006516/08
and a non-profit organisation #268-737 NPO