Rate Card

SAGE has published an annual rate card of recommended remuneration for editors since 1997. Though focussed on freelancers, this rate card can also be used as a starting point for full-time employment negotiations.

The tables below represent a broad spread of possible rates. It should be taken into account that these are intended to cover a wide range of job types, genres, durations, locations, funding models, labour conditions, schedules and budgets. Also keep in mind the realistic growth rate of a career over a period of 40 years.

Rates do not include the rental of equipment or software.

Hours worked per day, and days per week, should comply with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.

Rates should be considered negotiable. We encourage editors and producers alike to read and consider our publications around employment:

You can also download the rate card as a PDF.

Please remember that both producers and editors can help make the rate card more accurate by providing SAGE with actual job data:


Weekly rates, ZAR

The weekly rates represent a 5-day standard week, and are identical to the daily rates.

  Junior Mid-level Highly experienced
and/or international
Story editor - "Offline" 9 450 to 14 310 14 310 to 23 850 23 850 to 34 470
Finishing editor - "Online" 11 560 to 17 424 17 424 to 26 936 26 936 to 42 400
Colourist 13 250 to 19 272 19 272 to 29 360 29 360 to 46 272
1st Assistant Editor 6 360 to 9 636 9 636 to 14 840 14 840 to 23 196
2nd Assistant Editor 4 506 to 5 982 5 982 to 8 730 8 730 to 12 882
Sound Editor or Designer 7 284 to 13 250 13 250 to 23 850 23 850 to 42 400
Post-Production Coordinator 6 360 to 9 636 9 636 to 14 840 14 840 to 23 196
Post-Production Supervisor 9 450 to 14 310 14 310 to 23 850 23 850 to 34 470


Daily rates, ZAR

  Junior Mid-level Highly experienced
and/or international
Story editor - "Offline" 1 890 to 2 862 2 862 to 4 770 4 770 to 6 894
Finishing editor - "Online" 2 312 to 3 485 3 485 to 5 387 5 387 to 8 480
Colourist 2 650 to 3 854 3 854 to 5 872 5 872 to 9 254
1st Assistant Editor 1 272 to 1 927 1 927 to 2 968 2 968 to 4 639
2nd Assistant Editor 901 to 1 196 1 196 to 1 746 1 746 to 2 576
Sound Editor or Designer 1 457 to 2 650 2 650 to 4 770 4 770 to 8 480
Post-Production Coordinator 1 272 to 1 927 1 927 to 2 968 2 968 to 4 639
Post-Production Supervisor 1 890 to 2 862 2862 to 4 770 4 770 to 6 894



  • Hours to be negotiated between editor and producer;
  • Excluding equipment and software license;


  • All time after 10 hours per day charged at 1.5x;
  • All time after 14 hours per day charged at 2x;
  • 6th day and public holidays charged at 1.5x daily rate;
  • 7th day charged at 2x daily rate;


About the rate card

Our rate card is calculated using the following broad points:


1. Inflation matching

We’ve looked at the average CPI from last year (2023) in order to calculate the rates. The 2nd Assistant rate however has increased by 17,27% in line with the average CPI over the last 3 years since the last rate card was updated. This is all in accordance to StatsSA.

We urge all post-production professionals to consider job sustainability when negotiating rates.


2. Skills growth

On top of inflation, we consider a 15-year career growth. Not everyone will improve their skills at the same rate, which is why we maintain a spread across all levels of experience.

Beyond 15 years of skills growth, highly experienced editors are considered to be in a strong individual negotiating position.


3. A spread of rates

We’ve created three experience groups: junior, mid-level, and highly experienced. Note that experience does not necessarily equate to the number of years spent working in the post-production industry, but rather the specific years of experience at a specific task. We have chosen not to provide a specific years of experience criteria for each group, as we feel that different editors progress at different rates. When deciding on which category to place yourself in, keep in mind that the average career lasts 40 years, and that your skills will continuously develop over that period.


PLEASE NOTE In compliance with the South African Competition Act, SAGE is not allowed to prescribe rates. The above rates are therefore recommended guidelines.

SAGE is a non-profit company #2007/006516/08
and a non-profit organisation #268-737 NPO